18 October–08 November 2014
pool loop
Sonia Leimer, Saskia Te Nicklin, Merete Vyff Slyngborg, Ditte Soria, Amelie von Wulffen and Franz Zar
are unsure about what will happen next. ”In the search for novelty we dive deeper to gather and use things as our own” they say. ”Processed and recontextualized it eventually goes back to the pool and is at some point re-used. Not necessarily the whole thing, but parts or fragments mixed with other parts or fragments.”
They continue: ”The process is somehow similar to plastic making, and it’s the hidden components of the mass and maybe also the plasticity, that makes us uncomfortable. What is strange is, that the blend of all these different polymers can become a transparent material even though the process behind is so unclear. Plastic is the perfect shield against entropy and with that against all things natural.”
The six artists have a shared affiliation with Vienna where they have respectively lived, studied or lectured. They come together for the exhibition pool loop with one or more art works each and with a vague idea of their contemporaries: “’I’ no longer makes sense, but ’we’ do“ they state. “’I’ is prolonged and ’I’ is being dissolved or bend and stretched. And at last mixed to ’we’”.
“It is not so much a question of good or bad. Because it’s O K – ’O’ which is round and circulates. ’K’ which bristles and points in five different directions – up, down, backwards, diagonally up and diagonally down. OK is an incomprehensible equation O / <
Or a face where the right eye is pinched. A wink with one eye: ‘we’ know ‘you’.”